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How to get Mastery with Crafting on Bless Unleashed

Writer's picture: PyrebornPyreborn

Updated: Dec 29, 2020

Throughout this open world game will be resource nodes displayed on your mini-map from trees, ores, and plants. Crafting in Bless Unleashed allows you to utilise these resources to make new gear and materials. Those already familiar with crafting may find use from the Recipes page on the site.

Alchemy mastered as well as Forging & Cooking maxed

Crafting is divided into 5 professions: Forging; Shaping; Enchanting; Alchemy; Cooking. These skills can all go up to a maximum of 12 levels at 70,000XP, allowing the creation of A tier gear and stronger potions/food (provided you have the recipes). Below is a list of XP requirements per level. Keep reading to see the most efficient way to level up without spending a fortune.

  • Level 1 - 0XP (+10XP to next level)

  • Level 2 - 10XP (+20XP)

  • Level 3 - 30XP (+50XP)

  • Level 4 - 80XP (+120XP)

  • Level 5 - 200XP (+300XP)

  • Level 6 - 500XP (+1,000XP)

  • Level 7 - 1,500XP (+1,500XP)

  • Level 8 - 3,000XP (+3,000XP)

  • Level 9 - 6,000XP (+7,000XP)

  • Level 10 - 13,000XP (+17,000XP)

  • Level 11 - 30,000XP (+40,000XP)

  • Level 12 - 70,000XP


Important notes to levelling:

You can increase the speed at which you level by purchasing the "Iterative Analysis" bonus for +10% Crafting XP gain. To do this, press Start > Union > Trait > first skill with the Artisans. You will need 100 Artisan Credits, which can be obtained from completing some Union Quests for the Artisans.

Also the Artful Disguise Artisan Skill can grant an extra +5% Crafting XP gain when transforming into a box.



With the recent update's addition to crafting, players can now go up to level 12 and master one of the 5 skills. And yes, do note that it is only 1 skill that can be taken to level 12 while the others are capped at level 11! When you reach level 10 you will unlock side quests that need to be completed in order to promote yourself to level 11. After getting to level 11 you will receive yet another side quest - this lets you promote yourself to level 12. You can complete all the side quests, even for those you don't plan on taking to level 12.

After completing the relevant side quest and levelling up, you will notice that you will be stuck on 29,999/30,000 XP to level 11 and nothing will increase this. That is because you then need to go on the Start menu > Mastery & Reputation (at the bottom) > and then you will see an option on that skill to Promote yourself. When you have promoted yourself you will be level 11 - this means having access to certain items which are considerably cheaper to craft.

To go from level 11 to 12 you will notice that you no longer receive XP for crafting most items! This means you will have to craft the level 11 items specifically in order to level up, however thankfully these are very cheap, very lucrative (for now), and yield high XP. You will get to level 12 fairly quickly. However, you then have to decide what skill you want to master. Check out the potential crafting options you will have as well as the recipe requirements and consider the following key points:

  1. Can you easily obtain the crafting ingredients?

    1. Note that Souls (e.g. Specter Souls which are used for things like Legendary Sigils) have a 6 hour cooldown so you can only craft 1 every 6 hours - however these count as a consumable so you can potentially get two or not use resources with the relevant Artisan skills.

  2. Is demand high for the product you craft?

  3. Will the product be reliably profitable or personally useful?

  4. Are the recipes of the items you want to craft reasonably obtainable?

There are plenty of other factors and perhaps choosing something others find less desirable may place you in a monopoly. You can always have other accounts at level 12 in other skills too. We can't predict how the developers may change the skills or add recipes so choose whatever suits you now.

While you may profit in the short run, note that eventually more players will start crafting. Perhaps I'll even put up a guide to detail the fastest gathering methods which will only make it easier for people to enter? I predict the demand for the base ingredients (e.g. Foxeye) will increase and thereby raise their prices, so in terms of margins you may come to a point where selling the ingredients themselves may even be more profitable than crafting.


The forging profession is for Crusaders and Berserkers and uses iron as the core resource. This is one of the more expensive professions as the simplest recipe requires 5 Iron Ore to craft the first item (10XP) and each Iron Ore usually sells for upward of 50SS (Star Seeds). So if you were to try to max level with just Iron Ore, it would cost over 610,000SS... FYI the first leg recipes for each crafting profession are always the most resource efficient for XP up to level 7; all items above require more resources per XP!

Power Levelling Forging

Thankfully you won't need to craft using only Iron Ore, nor will it be so expensive. However you will still need to rely on it up until level 5 (400XP / 200 Iron Ore). See Recipes.

Level 1-6

Start by crafting Apprentice's Leg Armour (5 Iron Ore). When you get to level 5 it takes 500XP to level up and you can either keep going or switch to the Talented Apprentice's Metal Shoulder Armour or Gauntlets, which is 12 Iron and 1 Lesser Mountain Giant Soul Fragment. It's 3 Iron Ores less for 30XP but this is swapped for the soul fragment, so use this option when you can get the soul fragments cheaper than the cost of 3 iron ore.

Level 6-7/9

When you get to level 6 you can craft Silver Ingots or Silver Plate - they take the same resources and give the same XP as each other; 10 Silver Ore and give 65XP. Currently Silver Ore is cheaper by about 40% than Iron Ore, selling at 30SS each. However, a Silver Ingot gives 65XP and you can sell it for a profit usually, making levelling up from here much easier.

Level 7-9

From Level 7 you can craft Gold Ingots or Gold Plate which give 80XP and require 10 Gold Ore and 2 Pyrite - this can be profitable depending on the price of Pyrite at the time and that of Gold Ingots. If it's not profitable, go back to Silver.

Level 9-11

The most efficient way to level up here requires Noxious Ghoul or Flame Giant Soul Fragments. Most people sell these for gold as they consider it of no value, but if you tell people in global that you'll buy them or simply farm the bosses with a group that is willing to collect and sell their fragments to you, this becomes a very fast and cheap levelling method.

So assuming you can get these fragments, craft the Withering Warrior's Shield/Totem for 1 Silver Ingot (you can craft these too if you want), 1 Flexible Lumber (very cheap), and 1 Soul Fragment as aforementioned.

Level 11-12 Mastery

You become very limited after reaching level 11 for what brings XP. Unfortunately converting ore to Pyrite/Grinding Stone/Mordant Stone does not give XP (but is incredibly profitable currently), so for want of spending a bunch of seeds for numerous resources, you will have to craft Honed Fortification Stones. These can be cheap depending on supply as it needs either 10 Uncommon Armour & 5 Weapon Fortification Stones, or 5 Rare Armour & 2 Weapon Fortification Stones.


Unlike Forging, Shaping is the 2nd cheapest profession as it only requires leather scarps. These can drop from any beasts in any zone and are sold on the market for 1SS. This profession is ideal for Rangers. See Recipes.

Power Levelling Shaping

Shaping is cheap and easy to master, giving you two items to grind; one needing leather scraps and the other thin branches. These resources are fairly easy to farm too.

Level 1-6

Just grind the Apprentice's Slacks or, from level 2, the bow until you get to level 6. The bow requires 6 Thin Branches which is farmable. It's not worth actively going for the bow if you're buying your way there as it gives the same XP as the legs.

Level 6-9/11

From level 6 you unlock Flexible Lumber which needs 6 flexible branches and gives 65XP. You can keep doing this all the way as it's cheaper than alternatives. Currently this is not profitable, but it might be a good idea to save at least some of these when going for level 11. You can buy the branches (sometimes they sell for 1SS) or you can farm them - Hunter's Hill is the first area you unlock for your level where you'll find the trees or a great spot is in the Avera Plains before the race track.

Level 9-11

Similar to Forging, if you can reliably get Black Knight Soul Fragments, you can easily level your Shaping to 11. Crafting the Willow Quiver requires 1 Flexible Lumber (can be crafted too), 1 Silver Ingot, and 1 Black Knight Soul Fragment. You only need just under 120 of these with the Crafting XP Artisan skill to get to level 11.

Level 11-12 [Mastery]

This will be the same for all three gear professions; your only easy option to level now is the Honed Fortification Stone. This requires 10 Uncommon Armour & 5 Weapon Fortification Stones, or 5 Rare Armour & 2 Weapon Fortification Stones. Buy these whenever they are cheap as you will need to craft just under 200 of these depending on your crafting XP buffs.


Enchanting is for Priests and Mages and is slightly more expensive than Shaping as it requires cloth scraps. These are going down in price with increased supply however and you can use thin branches to craft the weapons, like in Shaping. See Recipes.

Power Levelling Enchanting

Levelling up your enchanting profession is pretty much the same as with Shaping; you just pay more for the ingredients.

Level 1-6

As before, grind the leg armour up to level 6. You'll need 90 pieces (360 cloth scrap). Don't salvage these and sell them instead. 225 Gold per piece is worth more than the Artefact Shards that have no value.

Level 6-9/11

Switch to Flexible Lumber and grind these all the way to level 9 (or 11 if you prefer this method). You'll need thousands of branches so you may want to buy them instead of farming.

Level 9-11

Have you noticed the pattern (assuming you've read the other skills above and not just jumped straight here >_>)? If you can get around 120 Flame Giant or Noxious Ghoul Soul Fragments, it will be very quick to reach level 11. Craft the Sacred Crystal Halidom/Magic Orb for 1 Flexible Lumber, 1 Silver Ingot, and 1 Flame Giant/Noxious Ghoul Soul Fragment.

Level 11-12 [Mastery]

Stock up on Fortification Stones as the fastest way to level this profession is by crafting the Honed Fortification Stones. This requires 10 Uncommon Armour & 5 Weapon Fortification Stones, or 5 Rare Armour & 2 Weapon Fortification Stones. If you can do that, this will be fairly quick and easy to level.


Alchemy is universally useful, from being able to make potions to heal or buff to crafting dyes. Because of that, it's the hardest profession to master. While you only need 3 Lumios Roots for the first potion granting 10XP, making it cheaper to grind at the start than Forging, there is no cheap way of levelling your Alchemy at a high level. See Recipes.

Power Levelling Alchemy

Level 1-6

The best way to level up is crafting 90 Potions of Recovery 1, which need 3 Lumios Roots each. You can find a good amount in the Western Hills of Carzacor.

Level 6-7/11

You can do this either all the way to level 11 or just to level 7. Switch to Dawn Essence, which uses 5 Dawn Fern, 2 Pyrite, and a Clean Empty Bottle. Depending on the market and the costs of the above ingredients, this can be either a profit or loss. With the addition of Panacea of Blades this is actually the best option. You can get halfway with the XP requirement by crafting a bunch of Dawn Essence and then get the remainder of the way to level 11 by converting them all to Panaceas. Panacea of Blades might drop in price because of this.

Level 7-8/11

Here you can switch to Foxeye Essence for 80XP. You'll need 5 Foxeye Grass, 2 Grinding Stones, and a Clean Empty Bottle. Not particularly useful for much but some people are still willing to pay enough to turn a profit - depending on the price of ingredients.

Level 8-11

This is where you can switch to Jewel Essence (100XP). Unlike Foxeye, this is actually useful and has demand so selling it will be much easier. You'll need 5 Jewel Fruit (harvested in Beoran, Ostium and Eidolon Forest), 2 Mordant Stone, and a Clean Empty Bottle. This can be a profit depending on the ingredient market at the time. In fact, there are certain recipes which use this as an ingredient and can be quite lucrative for both XP and Star Seeds (type in "Foxeye Essence" in the alchemy or cooking sections on my recipes page to see what they are useful for).

Level 11-12 [Mastery]

The method that requires the fewest ingredients and inventory space is to craft just under 200 Healing Potion II. Foxeye sells for quite a bit nowadays due to the demand so it's not particularly lucrative until there's a sudden shortage of potions. Regardless of the profitability, potions are very useful for yourself and will be well received by your guildmates and friends at a bargain (unless you just want the cold hard seeds). This requires just 6 Foxeye Grass, 1 Boswellia Branch, and 1 Clean Empty Bottle - the Foxeye is the only resource that may take time to farm or expensive to buy.


Cooking is by far the easiest and cheapest profession to master. You can buy Stringy Meat for the starting recipe with gold at any grocer, who tend to stay beside Soul Pyres, or buy it off marketplace for 1SS. See Recipes.

Power Levelling Cooking

Level 1-11

Not much to say here. The easiest and cheapest way to master cooking is simply mass crafting the first lunchbox recipe. Buy the meat from the market or vendor, cook in Soul Pyre, double tap Y (to mass craft and then craft 10) and sell the items for gold. You can by all means farm all the meat but that will take some time. You can easily do this in the background too while checking out the rest of the website ;)

Level 11-12 [Mastery]

You only really have 2 cheap options after reaching level 11 due to everything else granting 0 XP. I recommend the Tasty Sweet Pumpkin Salad (2 Aged Fruit and 4 Foxeye Grass), which is good for healing and grants +5% increased rep gain (potential profit); or the Famous Hero's Lunchbox (2 Prime Tenderloin and 1 Foxeye Grass), which is good simply for healing on the go and is the cheapest. The others have no real value or require too many ingredients for your time and inventory.


Choose the skill that matches your needs. A Priest has little use in mastering Forging unless they want to profit off the items or desperately want the fishing rod piece. Also make sure with the gear professions to sell rather than salvage for lower tiers as Artefact Shards have no value on this game currently.

Let me know if you think there's more efficient ways to level up and good luck!



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