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Where to find Smugglers in Bless Unleashed and how to get sealed & abyssal chest keys

Writer's picture: PyrebornPyreborn

Updated: Sep 4, 2020

Bless Unleashed has a limited time merchant called the "Smuggler" which is unique in that it sells rare and valuable items. It is mostly sought for its Sealed and Abyssal chest keys but also includes potions and miscellaneous items all for a fraction of their market price. Since the introduction of key drops from weekly bosses as well as the drop in Warrior's Talent required for Blind Executioner to just 1,000, Smugglers have become less competitive. They are, nonetheless, still cheaper than market rates for their items.

If you have previously searched for these elusive Smugglers you may have found out the hard way that there are still some secrets not shared. For example, some maps out there will show that there are Smuggler spawns in every region - this is false. Below is a map of all the real spawns (the icons are small to be accurate so you may need to zoom in) and I have provided screenshots in game of each of these locations with the Smuggler.

Map of all real Smuggler spawns
Map of all real Smuggler spawns. Green circles indicate Protected Zones and red circles show Disputed Zones.
Buying from the Smuggler

When you manage to find a Smuggler, you'll notice the keys sell out very quickly. This is because players like to camp the spawns on reset and get the keys from that location’s Smuggler immediately. As there is only 1 of each key per Smuggler, there is no 2nd place reward.

The stock will include a variation of the following:

  • 3 Common Elixirs - 500SS

  • 10 Uncommon Summoning Tickets - 1,000SS

  • 1 Uncommon Usable Summoning Ticket (e.g. Enhancer) - 1,000SS

  • 5 Rare Fortification Stones - 1,000SS

  • 3 Uncommon Elixirs - 1,000SS

  • 2 Empty Small Gold Jars - 1,000SS

  • 3 Common/Uncommon/Rare Potions of Regeneration - 500SS/1,000SS/3,000SS

  • 5 Uncommon/Rare/Epic Healing Potions - 250SS/500SS/1,000SS

  • 3 Rare Elixirs - 3,000SS

  • 1 Rare Sparkling Dye - 3,000SS

  • 10 Indulgence - 5,000SS

  • 1 Panacea - 10,000SS

  • 1 Sealed Chest Key - 10,000SS

  • 1 Abyssal Chest Key - 30,000SS

Being the First to Buy at a Smuggler

To actually have a chance at getting anything, especially the keys, you have to be the first one there as it spawns. Being a minute late from reset is game over, although you may still get some of that channel’s goods that others deem unworthy.

This may differ between servers but on Teleos the Smuggler reset is currently between 11-13 minutes past the reset hours: 2am, 6am, 10am, 2pm, 6pm, 10pm (BST). This time will change according to when the server returns from any maintenance or even emergency/accidental downtime. For example, if a server crashes unexpectedly Smugglers can reset and the timers will begin anew every 4 hours. I have found that after maintenance the times are pretty sporadic, however after a few days they generally return to around 12 minutes past the aforementioned times.

To find the reset time you need to check what each Smuggler's quoted time is per channel as these can differ. For example, a Smuggler may claim it will reset in 18 minutes on channel 1, but channel 2 says it will be in 11 minutes. The earliest reset will be the one by which they all reset to.

Once you know the time as above, you want to get to a spot that is secluded (if possible). Some players/guilds are very sensitive about their spots and will PK on sight at unprotected zones; these zones are marked on the map with red circles. When you have chosen your spot, get next to the Smuggler spawn and start channel hopping at 11 minutes past. If there's nothing there after 2 minutes, better luck next time. It is possible, by the way, for all Smugglers to be at the same spot across all channels!

Screenshots of Specific Smuggler Spawns
Carzacor Smuggler Spawn
Carzacor Smuggler - Inside a room in the middle of the Demolished District.
Navarra Smuggler
Navarra Smuggler - North alcove from the Navarran Military Camp Telepost.
Gnoll Wastes Smuggler
Gnoll Wastes Smuggler - Directly South-West from the Roughclaw Village Telepost.
Tristezza Smuggler
Tristezza Smuggler - To the left of the entrance into the Rosso Castle forecourt.
Sperios Smuggler
Sperios Smuggler - Easternmost stall at the Race Track.
Padana Smuggler
Padana Smuggler - Directly East from Scholar Cataldi's House.
Skaa Smuggler
Skaa Smuggler - Beside the wooden gazebo in South Skaa Village.
Umbra Smuggler
Umbra Smuggler - Easternmost cabin at the Red Sun Dock of Forest of Umbra.
Red Sun Smuggler
Red Sun Smuggler - Tent South of the Red Sun Base.
Eidolon Smuggler
Eidolon Smuggler - South-East of Rabin Village, beside the Telarion Oathkeeper.
Skaa Smuggler
Herbati Smuggler - End tent west of the Star Seed Exchange in Herbati Scout Camp
Osari Smuggler
Osari Smuggler - At the pier by the house at Ostium's Lake

In total there are only 12 real spawns. Ignore unverified posts/maps that say there are spawns in places like Zenkala or Beoran. In the past 5 months I have never seen Smugglers spawn anywhere other than these 12 locations. If you do find one elsewhere, please send in a screenshot alongside the server in which you found it.

P.S. There is supposedly a pattern to the spawn locations, however there isn't one found yet with 100% accuracy. Try visiting Smugglers regularly and you may find a correlation that works for you and, even if you don't, you'll have a fair probability on finding it by chance.



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