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How to Tame in Bless Unleashed Efficiently

Writer's picture: PyrebornPyreborn

Updated: Sep 4, 2020

There's a lot of different viewpoints on what the best way to tame is and after doing several days of testing, here's what I found.

Comparing mounts with GM Vain's Crimson Pillager
Comparing mounts with GM Vain's Crimson Pillager

First of all, let's get into what taming is, how to tame, and then what's the quickest way to tame. Taming is unlocked after you get an Estate through the main story and from then you can tame most animals for your animal pen. These can then be used as livestock for resources (the animal is destroyed in the process) or for mounts (only certain animals can be mounts).

Uses for Tames

As you'll find out after getting your estate, you are introduced to new resources which are only obtained and used in your estate. You can read more on estates here (WIP). Some of these are obtained from your animal pen, and this is filled by taming animals in the open world using the methods described below. Your tames have two main functions; to be used as livestock for estate resources or to be turned into mounts for your characters. Note that not all animals can be used as mounts (check the stables from the start menu to see which can), and if you tame said animal that does not guarantee a mount.

Taming Methods

There are two main methods of taming; hit the animal as much as you can or via a Rare Species Trap. The trapping method only works for Rare animals - if an animal that isn't rare steps in it, the trap will not work and will disappear. This method won't be used often but it's good to have a trap on you in case you do encounter a rare animal (like the Ghost Stag or Crimson Pillager) in their specific spawn locations. A guide on this can be found here.

The method we'll be looking into is the brute force option. Firstly, you're best getting a call (whistle) for the animal you'll be trying to tame. These can be bought with gold from a Mount Merchant and will tell you which animal can be tamed as well as increasing your taming chance for 30 minutes. To boost your chances further, you can invest in a Fountain Pool large decoration from the Lumena Store / Marketplace which can be built on your estate - this requires a level 5 Estate.

Efficient Taming

The main point of mixed information is in how best to beat your animals. Is it a chance that is applied per hit or per animal?

Per hit would mean that you are more likely to get a tame by decreasing your power as low as possible to get as many hits on an animal before killing it. Per animal means that you can kill as many animals as possible to find the tamable animal. Oh and don't worry; if an animal is tamable it cannot die. You will get a pop-up warning with a 10 second timer in which the animal will become immortal for that duration or until you tame it.

So which is more effective? I spent a couple hours testing - 1 hour taming per hit and 1 hour per animal. Per hit took a few minutes to kill each animal and after 1 hour I got 0 tames. Per animal it took about 10 seconds each and I got 5 tames. While the former could have just been extremely unlucky and the latter very lucky, it is more likely to be that one method is better than the other.

However, I did find that you do need to kill the animal - per animal does not mean that you can hit it once for a fraction of its health and find out if it's tamable. The QTE (Quick Time Event) may trigger anywhere between 99% health, and 1% health; it's all RNG. As such, the best strategy appears to be to clear out as many animals as quickly as possible.

The Taming Process

After getting your animal call for the planned tame, find an area where they are frequently found. After you have an area, use your call and start butchering the animals. Eventually, a warning will pop up with a 10 second timer. While this timer is active, the animal will no longer receive damage. If you fail to get to the tame within the 10 seconds the animal will return to normal and you will have missed out on the tame.

As the video below shows, after you go up to the animal and activate the QTE within your 10 second window, you will have to press a series of buttons - the timer to do this is quite slow and easy.

It is important to note that if your Labour Pool in your Estate is full you will not be able to get the tame!

After you have completed the QTE you will have successfully tamed the animal! They will then be immediately sent to your Stable in the Estate and will have a random chance to either be Livestock or Mount - you can check straight away by opening your map, selecting Estate, then check your Labour Pool. It is pure chance in getting a mount and you will usually get quite a few livestock before you find one that's a mount.


Now that you understand how to do it, it's just about actually doing it. It is a grind but that's the essence of all MMO's. If you have any questions, leave a comment or get in touch directly. Happy hunting!



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